jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

The Dancing Cansinos - Louie, Louie

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LOUIE of the Week winner
The Dancing Cansinos are the winner of this week's LOUIE of the Week award at LouieLouie.net.
Good job!
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This week as part of the regular LOUIE of the Week feature, LouieLouie.net recognizes The Dancing Cansinos, a band from Valencia, Spain.

The Dancing Cansinos are Paco Segui, Penagos Santiago, Sergio Villanueva Carlos Gómez and Barajas.

Here’s a little video clip of the band performing LOUIE at the Café de Pinedo on May 1st, 2004. This version adds an little extra hook in the rhythm section that’s kinda catchy…

You can learn more about the band by visiting:

Excellent job, guys

Bueno, no está mal. 

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